I love to set intentions with my crystals and use them to help me to manifest what I want. When you set an intention with a crystal, it will continue to amplify the energies of that intention, working to draw it more quickly into your life.
I usually set intentions around the lunar cycles as it holds more power, but you can set intentions at any time.
If you want to try some intention-setting magic for yourself, here’s how to do it:
1. Take some time to consider why you have chosen the particular crystal you are using, and the support you really want from it. Get as specific as you can. For example: if you want to bring love into your life, what kind of love would that be? If you want help with a new job or a career choice, what would that look or feel like? Maybe you want to feel calmer and more relaxed, and that would come through not over-thinking or worrying about the future quite as much. The clearer you can be on what you want your crystal to work on, the better.
2. Next, try to distil this into a sentence or two. For example: ‘I ask that you please help me to find a love that is honest and true. I ask that you help release any blocks or fears around receiving love and open me up to the right person coming into my life.’
‘I ask that you help me to find a job that is fulfilling and satisfying. A job where I can best use my skills and experience and be appreciated for all that I do.’ ‘I ask that you please help bring more peace and tranquillity into my life. I ask that you help me to calm my mind and remain more focused in the present moment.’ When you have come up with your sentence/s, hold your crystal in your hand (either or both hands) or even against your heart, and say your intention out loud or whisper it from your heart.
3. You can then wear your crystal or keep it in a special place or on an altar, where it will continue to emit the relevant vibrations for you at all times, even when you’re not together; and each time you hold, meditate or work with your crystal, the same intention will be amplified.
My recommendations for crystals to set intentions with are:
Clear quartz helps to amplify (your thoughts, your words, your intentions and more – whatever you ask it to work with), and so it’s amazing to use for manifesting or intention setting, and when you want to raise your own vibration. You can also add clear quartz crystal points to create a crystal grid and can use this
little bag of intention setting magic for this
We also have little bags of intention setting magic available on Soul Emporium for
Love and one with
clear quartz to set whichever intentions you wish for on.