Embrace your inner witch with this beautiful bracelet stack.
Wear it to remind you of your magic, power and to help heal any ancient wounds that prevent you from showing up fully and completely as yourself.
Let these bracelets remind you of who you truly are and all that you have to offer.
It’s time to heal the witch wound.
- Labradorite bracelet
- Shamanic Quartz or Dream Quartz bracelet
- Rhodonite bracelet
Labradorite - Labradorite will help you to remember and awaken your own ancient inner magic. This stunning crystal will reflect back to you the light and power within you, giving you the power and courage to believe in yourself and what you have to offer and allowing you to know and own yourself, so that you are not afraid to show up in the world as you.
Shamanic Quartz - A highly protective and healing crystal shamanic quartz connects you to your higher self, heightens intuition and raises your consciousness. It will help you to journey with your soul, connect to your spirit guides, heal your ancestral line and bring the answers you are searching for.
Rhodonite - A healer of the heart Rhodonite will help to clear out all that holds you back and remind you of your inner gifts and all you have to offer to the world. It will help you to trust and believe in yourself, know your higher truth and embody who you truly are.
Caring for your bracelets: Please note that these are incredibly high grade crystals of the best quality. To keep your bracelets in good condition take them off when showering and do not get them wet too often (although the elastic is also high quality it will weaken through constant exposure to water).
"A beautiful set of bracelets, really comfy and complement each other. Highly recommended." Jan E.